It was a bigger accomplishment for me than it may have been for other raiders because my guild is a 10-man guild. We actually pug ICC 25 weekly now (and clear through the first wing consistently) but I had to call in some favors with friends in one of the top 25-man guilds on my server to get the two quest items off Festergut and Rotface back before the zone-wide buff was implemented.
The endless, mindless, torturous work of my 3 saronite slaves finally paid off after months of stabbing myself with hot pokers (aka using the random LFD tool to get frost emblems EVERY SINGLE DAY FOR MONTHS ON FOUR CHARACTERS-I'M NOT BITTER OR BURNED OUT AT ALL THANKYOUVERYMUCH). That's only - what - 50,000 gold down the drain for an axe?
The quest itself is quite cool, because you . . .
. . .
. . . oh, was I talking? Oh yeah, so in the questline, you get to watch Mograine forge the axe for you, like so:
Now if you'll excuse me, I just got us 2 hours in a room at the local motel. Just me and the axe.
lol, I gave our local warrior beast (Ultracombo) 2 saronite bars from my own priests stash of frost emblems, only to find he just sat on them and did nothing with them. I think he even bought recipes with them, and this was back when they would have fetched 2k apiece in trade.
Now he finally has the epic, but we're still working on the legendary.
not 2, THREE
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